The janhit mein jaari party (abbreviated JMJP and commonly known as janhit mein jaari) was formed in 1998, by the idealist visionary jhusant mendoria. The party was founded in west bengal but over the years, it kept establishing itself in various states. by the time of the general election in 2007, jmjp was registered as an all india party. after winning the state assembly polls in bihar, haryana, west bengal and maharashtra over the last 3 years, jmjp is working towards obtaining a majority in the general elections in june 2012.


JANHIT MEIN JAARI is a party that aims to provide a sustainable state of well-being to each individual in the country.

JMJP strongly believes in the system of representational parliamentary democracy established in the constitution of India.

JMJP protects the rights and interests of all sections of society, be they the minority or the majority, the economically sound or the economically deficient.

In keeping with the core value of equality for all, JMJP does not endorse, indulge in or tolerate any kind of negative discrimination on the basis of caste, class, creed, colour, race and/or religion.

Appreciative of the large diversity in India and the presence of multiple communities and faiths, JMJP promotes a positive attitude towards multiculturalism thereby attempting to eradicate communalism and intolerance in society.

JMJP also aims at making society more inclusive by bridging economic, social and political inequalities in society through its policies and practices.

JMJP is a strong believer in inner party democracy and transparency. JMJP also encourages the youth to play an effective role in changing the nation

Friday, 3 February 2012


Liberal democracy is founded on reason, law, and freedom of choice but the position of different social groups in the social and political space where power is located is not always equal in practice. This is particularly so in the case of women. the JMJP deems the inclusion of women in the lok sabha to be of extreme importance.  The limited nature of female participation and representation in national decisionmaking institutions has important consequences for women and for thelegitimacy of the institutions. Where women constitute almost half the population in apolitical system which supports equality and where both women and men arelegally eligible for political office, women’s participation should be promoted. Representation is not only a means of ensuring individual participation. It is alsothe responsibility of the representatives to act on behalf of the constituents,including women, who elected them and reflect their ideas and aspirations.the disproportionate presenceof women in the political process means thatthe concerns of half the population cannot be sufficiently attended to or acted upon as it denies their viewpoints sufficient opportunity to be integrated in thepolitical system.
the representation of women will not be limited just to the lok sabha but also to each and every level in our democracy, in all institutions beginning from the gram panchayats and zila parishads to state assemblies and the parliament.


in a country of vast ethnicities, the JMJP greatly welcomes the opportunity to present its policy on multiculturalism. the JMJP is willing, through this policy, to promote social cohesion and wishes to show citizens how they should live together harmoniously. the JMJP also celebrates and values the benefits of cultural diversity for all Indians, within the broader aims of national unity, communal harmony and maintenance of our democratic values.  it is committed to a just inclusive society where everyone can participate in the opportunities that India offers and where government services are responsive to the needs of Indians from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. the JMJP will act to promote understanding and acceptance while responding to expressions of intolerance and discrimination with strength, and where necessary, with the force of the law.


keeping up with the times, the JMJP is proud to announce its presence in the online world. the JMJP already has a website, a facebook page, a blog and will continue to remain accessible, adapting to the changing times. the JMJP, through its social media outlets, believes in disseminating public information of its working,and other essential information in order to promote transparency.
if elected to power, the JMJP will introduce social media interaction with the government. this in turn will increase and sustain the information sharing of the government. these social media outlets will reflect all policies, bills, acts and other information of governance and hence make it freely available to the masses. the JMJP takes this move as a constructive step towards imbibing transparency in the government thus aiding citizens in gaining access to real time notifications.


Conserving a gradually degrading environment in an industrially developing countrywith a growing economy such as ours is a challenging task. however, keeping in mind the need to combat pollution levels and climate change, at the JMJP, we realize the imminent need to bring in environmentally sustainable growth. the JMJP’s environment department regularly monitorsthe implementation of existing laws and has helped form the JMJP environmental policy.
this policy recommends that every industry being set up in this country should have to undergo a COMPULSARY Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) which will be regulated by the ministry of environment and forests, govt. of India.a clearance from the MoEF should be required for setting up the industry.
no loud noise-making industry should be set up in areas of dense population.
all industries that emit a considerable amount of pollutants shall be encouraged to use pollution treatment mechanisms that the government should provide to them at a subsidized cost. failure to use such waste management and effluenttreatmentdevices even after a specific warning will result in the imposition of a monetary fine. a further offence could result in suspension of industrial licence.


while Indian technological outreach is global and ushers prosperity for a segment of the population, it also is crucial not to ignore the technology needs of the rural communities. the JMJP acknowledges the social reality that technology drivenprosperity should be shared equitably, and science and technology should be a drivingforce in the urban as well as the rural economy. the JMJP thus wishes to promote collaborative partnerships among diverse groups of stakeholders across the technology system from technology development to adoption. the JMJP aims at subsidizing the prices of technological items and providing them at a lower price to the rural parts of India, especially to the youth.
Basic internet facilities shall be provided at minimal costs to students in villages across the country in a conscious effort to raise online literacy levels in rural India.